LEGAL NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that
Legals : Legals
LEGAL NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the Trustees of Greenville Township, Darke County, Ohio until 7:00am Friday, February 28, 2025 for the furnishing of labor, materials, tools and equipment required for chip and seal of the following roads within Greenville Township. Specifications are on file in the office of the Trustees of Greenville Township. FROM TO WIDTH LENGTH CHIP AND SEAL T-16 Greenville Palestine Neave/Gr Twp line Shade Rd 18.5 0.90 T-16 Greenville Palestine Shade Rd Stingley Rd 18.0 1.00 T202 Brumbaugh Rd All 17.0 1.50 T-329 Dinninger Dead End Stingley Rd 12.0 0.40 T-329 Dinninger Stingley Rd Greenville Palestine 18.0 0.70 T-330 Shade Rd Brumbaugh Rd Greenville Nashville 18.0 0.40 T-330 Shade Rd Greenville Nashville St Rt 502 17.5 0.60 T-503 Harter Rd All 10.0 0.25 Stone to be used will be provided by the Township and will be stockpiled at 7550 St. Rt. 118. Contractor is responsible for loading and transporting stone to use for the above listed projects. . 40 GAL MC 3000 per square yard 28lb Manufactured Washed, #8 Stone per square yard Bids must state the following: Roller - COMBI or equal combination Weight of Roller - 12,000 pounds or greater # of Rollers to be used on projects - 2 or More - (One Vibrating Steel) Bidders are advised that all work shall be executed in conformance with the prevailing wage rates of the State of Ohio and all traffic control shall be in conformance with the Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Lack of prequalification or nonconformance with the bid documents shall constitute grounds for bid refusal. A certified check in the amount of 10% or a bid document in the amount of 100% shall accompany each bid. Each contractor must sign a Hold Harmless Agreement for Greenville Township. The Trustees reserve the right to reject any or all bids. By the order of the Trustees of Greenville Township, Darke County, Ohio. Telephone (937) 548-2356. Susan Miles Greenville Township Fiscal Officer P O Box 188 Greenville, Ohio 45331 90203316 February 5 gda