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Notice of Public Hearings The Adams Township Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on Thursday, March 20, 2025 in the Adams Township House, 100 Park Avenue, Gettysburg, Ohio. The hearing will start at or as near as possible to 7:00 PM. This hearing will address the following requests for approval: 1) James & Rachel Warner for an Agribusiness Conditional Use per Article 5, Section 507 of the Zoning Resolution. Current zoning is A-1, General Agriculture. Mr. & Mrs. Warner are requesting a Conditional Use for the 24.887 acre property located at 7412-7432 Paulin Road. The Agribusiness Use will consist of raising and processing wholesale and retail vegetable produce, a farm equipment mechanic shop, and a small retail store contained in a new 60' x 46' building. 2) Ian & Diane McAtee for a Variance from Article 3, Section 302.05(F) of the Zoning Resolution for their property located at 7366 Gettysburg-Webster Road. Mr. & Mrs. McAtee desire to construct a new dwelling on a 5.374 acre tract to be split from the 13.0 acre tract. The desired location of the home will be approximately 30 feet from the rear property line which does not meet the minimum 40 foot rear yard setback. Current zoning is A-1, General Agriculture. Information will be available for public inspection by contacting Susan Laux, Interim Inspector at (937) 547-7381, (937) 459-0498 or slaux@co.darke.oh.us until the date of the hearing. 90204754 March 8 gda

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