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NOTICE OF HEARING IN THE COMMON PLEAS COURT OF DARKE COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF TITLE FOR 1987 HONDA MOTORCYCLE CASE #25CVT00082 TO: Unknown person(s) having any interest in the following described motor vehicle: You will take notice that an application for issuance of title has been filed by Jarod Fox for the following motor vehicle: 1987 Honda XLG00R Serial No: JH2PD030XHK401030 The application will be considered by the, Darke County Common Pleas Court (General Division), on April 25, 2025 at 8:00 am. Any persons having an interest in said motor vehicle should appear at the hearing and prove their interest therein or the title issuance will be granted as requested. Travis L. Fliehman, Judge Jarod Fox, Applicant 90204853 March 12, 19 gda

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