Notice Of Public Hearing The Twin Township Board of
Legals : Legals
Notice Of Public Hearing The Twin Township Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on February 13, 2025 at the Arcanum Wayne Trail Historical Society Building located at 123 West George Street, Arcanum at 7:30 P.M. regarding a request to allow for a property split of the parcel located at 316 Gordon-Landis, Arcanum, OH 45304. Current Land use classification is A-1 (Agriculture) with a residence and barn located at the front of the property. The purpose of the request is to split approximately 2.0 acres from the existing 61.5 acres farm land. The 2.0 acres split will contain the primary residence and barn which is adjacent to Gordon-Landis Road. Access to the farm is planned to be from Gordon-Landis south of the split. Informational packets are available for public inspection by contacting Curtis Lambert, Twin Township Zoning Inspector at (937) 417-3240 until the date of the hearing. 90203041 January 29 gda